Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ron Paul Snubbed from Debate

Ron Paul was treated like the unwanted child at the Republican Debates last night on CNN. However, the only one who made any sense on dealing with the economy was Dr. Paul.

CNN in the ridiculous review of the debate only mention that:

"Long-shot candidate Ron Paul, a representative from Texas, also participated in the debate."

Not to harp on the mainstream media but they push Rep. Paul aside like they did to John Edwards. The media focused so much on Clinton and Obama, that Edwards had no choice. Now, in the GOP race, they are focusing heavily on McCain and Romney that even at the debate, Huckabee had to point out that "This isn't a two man race."

I hope CNN realizes their mistakes and changes their coverage of the candidates so that we do get a fair and balanced (don't worry not gettting a check fom FOX for that one) view of all the candidates.

Also, for all my US readers, please read up on the candidates. Never feel like your vote is "lost" on someone who "isn't going to win". A lost vote is someone who votes blindly.


Ms. M&P said...

Yeah, I've been less than thrilled with the media coverage of this campaign. I don't hold a high bar for the media, but they've stooped below my already low expectations this year. i think they've treated the elections like it's celebrity news, when there are much bigger issues at stake than gossip.

Ryan said...

Yeah it is a shame and it hurts the system because naive people use it for their source of information.